VB2021 localhost call for last-minute papers

Posted by    on   Aug 2, 2021

Have you analysed a brand new online threat? Are you involved in cutting edge security research? Are you tasked with securing systems and fending off attacks and developing new ways of working? The call for last-minute papers for VB2021 localhost is now open and we want to hear from you!


With threats evolving and research ongoing, we know that a lot of new material has come to light in recent months, so as usual we have set aside a number of speaking slots on the VB localhost programme specifically for 'last-minute' papers that deal with brand new, up-to-the-minute material.


What am I required to do if my last-minute paper is selected for VB localhost?

  • You will be required to record a 25-minute presentation (VB will give you full guidance on how to make your recording) and submit it to us no later than 10 September, 0:00 UTC. (This is a hard deadline, to allow for video post-production editing.)
  • If your presentation is on the live programme we will also ask you to be available between the hours of 16:00 - 20:30 UTC on the day on which your presentation is broadcast, in order to take live Q&A.
  • As usual with the last-minute papers, you are not required to write a paper.


How do I submit a proposal?

  • Visit the full call for papers and follow the links to the online abstract submission form.


Submit a proposal before August 20 for a chance to get one of the last-minute slots!

(We aim to notify those whose papers have been selected no later than 24 August 2021.)

And of course, to make sure you don't miss out on the event, don't forget to register - for free!



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