Cybersecurity Assessment Tool launched by Ford Foundation

Posted by    on   Nov 20, 2020

The Ford Foundation has launched a tool designed to help nonprofit organizations assess their own cybersecurity efforts.

The Cybersecurity Assessment Tool is specifically aimed at non-technical grant makers, grantee partners, civil society organizations, and nonprofits – organizations that may not have the necessary expertise and resources to research, understand and implement a cybersecurity program, yet are exposed to the same high level of risks as public institutions and large corporations, and may in some cases be specifically targeted by particular threats.

The tool has been put together by a team of experts that includes VB's former editor Martijn Grooten, who has always been passionate about helping vulnerable groups and people.

The tool – which is currently in beta − takes the form of a 30-40 minute survey and is designed to help organisations develop a general sense of the maturity of their existing cybersecurity programs, and identify potential components to consider adding or improving.






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