VB2020 localhost call for last minute papers: a unique opportunity

Posted by    on   Aug 10, 2020

VB2020-localhost-logo.pngNow in its 30th year, the Virus Bulletin Conference has not only evolved into the annual threat intelligence conference, but also into one of the most international security conferences. Not just because it always changes location, but also because the conference has always attracted speakers and attendees from all over the world.

Of course, in 2020 everything is different. This year's conference will take place virtually under the VB2020 localhost name, in a proper socially distanced, carbon neutral, budget neutral, high production values setting. And though we will miss seeing all of you in person, the virtual setting might provide a unique opportunity for some of you.

We know that attending a conference like VB was never possible for many hard working and talented security professionals, whether because personal circumstances prevented them from travelling, they didn't have the travel budget available or they simply couldn't afford to be away from their busy jobs for several days. The virtual conference solves these issues.

Not only do we encourage you to register for the event (which is completely free!), we also encourage you to submit a proposal for a last-minute paper: maybe you have analysed a recent malware campaign, or thwarted a recent attack against your organisation. Submit before 17 August for your chance to get one of the last-minute slots (we aim to notify those whose papers have been selected no later than 20 August).

With already more than 700 delegates registered from nearly 300 different organisations in the infosecurity, banking, government, corporate, CERT and academia arenas, this is your chance to share your research with security experts around the world.


We will ask those whose papers have been selected to record their talks in advance (by 6 September), so even if you live in a place with unreliable Internet connectivity, we've got you covered!



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