Announcing... VB2020 localhost

Posted by    on   Jul 29, 2020

Over the last few months the VB team has been hard at work preparing for the virtual edition of VB2020 and we can now reveal... VB2020 localhost: the carbon neutral, budget neutral VB conference!




VB localhost will bring the usual amount of great content your way - the latest and best research on malware, malicious actors and threat intelligence from top industry experts - direct to your device wherever you choose to access it, be it your desk, your garden or your sofa.

What's more, for the first time in the 30-year history of the VB conference, VB2020 localhost will be entirely free to attend, making it the first budget neutral VB conference!

The conference will take place over three days: 30 Sept to 2 Oct, but instead of the usual three parallel tracks of the in-person conference, we will have a single track, broadcasting live from 16:00 to 20:00 UTC each day, complete with a professional host. You will be able to join at any time, and re-watch, rewind or pause the live stream.

In addition to the live broadcast there will be a library packed full of top quality presentations for on-demand viewing – meaning you can watch the presentations whenever and wherever suits you – as well as the CTA’s Threat Intelligence Practitioners' Summit.

Check out the full programme here (note, there are still more presentations to be added!).

It wouldn't be a VB conference without networking, so VB2020 localhost will be running a dedicated Discord server, through which you can chat with other participants, contact event partners and speakers, and even set up 1:1 or small group meetings via text, audio or video.

What are you waiting for? Register now for FREE!





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