VB2019 presentation: Building secure sharing systems that treat humans as features not bugs

Posted by   Helen Martin on   Feb 14, 2020

There are certain paradigms that continue to permeate information security: Humans are the weakest link in security. Always assume breach. Privacy is dead. And along with these paradigms goes the tendency to lock down data. But rather than making our systems more secure this actually weakens our defences by curtailing innovation and collaboration.


Andrea Limbago, Chief Social Scientist at Virtru, believes that if we are to address this issue we need to build systems and processes that enable and encourage secure sharing of data.

In a presentation that formed part of the Threat Intelligence Practitioners' Summit at VB2019, she outlined how, by exploring data sharing challenges through a socio-technical lens, it is possible to make significant gains toward the secure sharing required to strengthen defences and create business value and how, by looking at the role of incentives, trust, and usability, we can start to build secure sharing systems that integrate human behaviour as a core feature.

Today we release the recording of Andrea's presentation.


The Call for Papers for VB2020 in Dublin is currently open! Submit your abstract before 15 March for a chance to make it onto the programme of one of the most international threat intelligence conferences!



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