Job vacancy at VB: Security Evangelist

Posted by   Martijn Grooten on   Nov 29, 2019

Virus Bulletin is a small company with a largely remote team based all over Europe that is placed at the heart of the IT security industry. Through its product testing, annual conference and ad hoc activities, Virus Bulletin works with security vendors, researchers and practitioners.

We are currently recruiting for a 'security evangelist', a role that largely (though not exactly) overlaps with the 'Editor' job I have filled in the past five years. I can honestly say it is one of the most exciting jobs in the industry and not just because you will be part of a fantastic team.

You can read the job ad here. If you are interested, please send your CV and a cover letter to [email protected] – please also email us at the same address if you you have any questions about the vacancy/role.




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