VB2019 videos: partner presentations

Posted by   Martijn Grooten on   Oct 25, 2019

With the final day of VB2019 three weeks behind us, we want to thank once again the 21 partners and sponsors of the conference for their support. In supporting the conference, the companies and organisations demonstrated how much they care about the sharing of research on current threats.

We especially want to thank Platinum partners ESET and Reason Cybersecurity, who each delivered a sponsored presentation. Though we generally leave the content of these talks to the partner organisations, both companies decided to use their slot for a detailed and interesting technical talk.

Today, we have uploaded the videos of both presentations to our YouTube channel. ESET's research on Buhtrap was published on its We Live Security blog in July. The Reason Cybersecurity research on webcams was previously published by Virus Bulletin.






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