VB2019 call for last-minute papers opened

Posted by   Martijn Grooten on   Jul 29, 2019

Virus Bulletin has opened the call for last-minute papers for VB2019. 

The VB2019 programme already boasts some 40 talks that were announced more than three months ago. Though we think of the threat landscape as fast-changing, we like to look beyond the hype and the programme remains as relevant now - and will be as relevant in October when the conference takes place - as it was when it was first announced.

In fact, several of the papers have become more newsworthy since they were announced, and the programme features important topics such as Sea Turtle and Operation Soft Cell that were virtually unheard of when the papers were added to the programme back in March.

But, with threats and research both ongoing, we recognise that there is also a lot of new material that has come to light in the months since the programme was announced, and to accommodate for this we have have set aside nine speaking slots on the VB2019 programme specifically for 'last-minute' papers that deal with new, up-to-the-minute material.

Submit a proposal before Sunday 1 September 2019 for a chance to get one of these nine slots!


Competition is likely to be tough as this CFP tends to be several times oversubscribed. Do keep this in mind when submitting your abstract, but don't let it discourage you: past conferences have seen some great talks from both experienced and first-time speakers alike.

Presenters of last-minute papers are not required to write a paper, just to deliver an excellent 30-minute presentation on relevant hot research. We aim to notify those whose submissions have been selected within a week of the closing of the call for papers.

And of course, to make sure you don't miss out on the event, don't forget to register! (Should you be selected as a last-minute presenter, you will receive a refund of your registration fee.)





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