VB2018 presentation: Levelling up: why sharing threat intelligence makes you more competitive

Posted by   Helen Martin on   Mar 1, 2019

Here at VB we often talk about the importance of sharing intelligence, and many of us coming into the industry for the first time have been genuinely surprised by the willingness to share information among competitors.

Yet even within this relatively open industry, there are still barriers to sharing threat intelligence data, be they technical, legal, cultural or business-related.

Michael Daniel, President and CEO of the Cyber Threat Alliance, believes that society should expect organisations within the cybersecurity vendor industry to share technical data amongst themselves, and to use that shared knowledge to better protect us all.

What's more, through his work with the Cyber Threat Alliance he has witnessed that sharing intelligence actually helps to improve a company's competitive edge.




In a presentation at VB2018, Michael outlined exactly how threat sharing strengthens a company's competitive advantage. Today, we release the video of his presentation so that you can see the arguments for yourself.


The Call for Papers for VB2019 in London is currently open. Submit your abstract before 17 March for a chance to make it onto the programme of one of the most international threat intelligence conferences!



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