VB2018 paper: Under the hood - the automotive challenge

Posted by   Martijn Grooten on   Mar 27, 2019

During last week's Pwn2Own 2019 hacking contest, a Senegalese-Chinese duo managed to hack a Tesla Model 3. As per the competition's rules, they were allowed to keep the car and also received a cash prize. Tesla has announced that a fix will be released shortly.

Car hacking has become a hot subject in recent years. It has evolved from a somewhat esoteric hacker subject to a problem that car manufacturers are actually interested in solving, Tesla's participation in Pwn2Own being a good example of that.

At VB2018 in Montreal, Argus Cyber Security's Inbar Raz presented a paper that provides an introduction to the subject of car hacking. In the paper, he looks at the complex problem, examples of car hacks, and the challenges ahead.

under-the-hood-fig9.pngAll the ways a vehicle connects to the outside world. (© Argus Cyber Security).

Today we have published Inbar's paper in both HTML and PDF format. We have also uploaded the video of his presentation to our YouTube channel.


VB-conference-paper.jpgUnder the hood - the automotive challenge

Read the paper (HTML)

Download the paper (PDF)





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