VB2018 paper: Where have all the good hires gone?

Posted by   Helen Martin on   Feb 8, 2019

We often hear about the cybersecurity skills gap being "an issue for all", creating "recuitment chaos", an "industry crisis", and indeed the difficulties organizations encounter in hiring information security professionals have been described as one of the biggest challenges IT leaders face today.

There is no doubt that such a problem exists, but is it because suitable applicants are somehow being excluded due to systemic problems? Or is there an actual lack of interest in a career in computer security? ESET's Lysa Myers believes that we, as an industry, should look to address both issues, and at VB2018 in Montreal she presented a paper in which she looked at some of ways in which we can do so: how we can address education problems, how we can encourage under-represented groups into the industry, how we can improve the overall image of computer security, do a better job of the hiring process and indeed, how we can retain talent.

You can read Lysa's paper in both HTML and PDF format. We have also uploaded the video of her VB2018 presentation to our YouTube channel.


Where have all the good hires gone?

Read the paper (HTML)

Download the paper (PDF)




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