Preview: Nullcon 2019

Posted by   Martijn Grooten on   Feb 5, 2019

Does it matter that the number of new malware samples keeps growing? What does the meteoric rise in cryptocurrency malware indicate? Why is there barely any malware on iOS? Which groups should be particularly worried about malware?

I will attempt to answer these and other questions in a talk entitled "The State of Malware from the Eye of the Tiger" that I will present at Nullcon in Goa, India at the start of next month.

The talk will focus on the global state of malware, but where possible will use examples from India for illustration.


I have not attended Nullcon before, but I have heard many great things about the conference and I am honoured to be speaking at this year's event. Other speakers include LinkedIn CISO Cory Scott, Endgame's Hyrum Anderson and Motherboard journalist Joseph Cox. For this year's 10th edition, the conference has also invited back some previous speakers, including the EFF's Eva Galperin, KPN CISO Jaya Baloo and Google's James Forshaw.

Nullcon also includes trainings, a CTF, a startup village and a resume clinic. Tickets for the conference (1-2 March) are still available!



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