Benefit now from early bird discount tickets for VB2018

Posted by   Martijn Grooten on   Jun 25, 2018

In a little over three months, security experts from around the world will gather in Montreal for VB2018, the 28th Virus Bulletin International Conference.

We have an exciting programme lined up already, with keynote addresses from John Lambert (Microsoft) and Wendy Nather (Duo Security); workshops on Android reverse engineering and kernel mode malware analysis; papers on a wide range of pertinent security topics; and some exciting additions to be announced soon.


And there will be great people from around the world in attendance. That, perhaps, is the biggest asset of the conference, for it is here where you can build those connections that are so essential in your work throughout the year.

All the more reason for you to come to Montreal. And there's an extra reason to buy your ticket now: early bird discounts are available until 30 June!





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