VB2017: one of the most international security conferences

Posted by   Martijn Grooten on   Jun 15, 2017

The 40 talks confirmed thus far for the VB2017 conference programme will be delivered by speakers that are based in 18 different countries across five continents. If you also consider the nationalities of the speakers, that increases the number of countries represented by at least half a dozen.

The VB conference has traditionally been held in a different location each year, alternating between Europe and North America – but it doesn't travel around the world just to give its attendees a chance to see interesting places; the other important reason is because cybersecurity is a global problem that affects people the world over, yet one that also comes with unique local flavours.

And thus we expect the view of a consultant based in Nairobi to be different from that of one based in Dublin. The targets of the infamous APT28 attack group aren't randomly chosen, nor are those of the group that uses exploits in Hanword, a word processing application that specialises in the Korean written language. And those groups will have very different targets from an attacker inhabiting the lower echelons of the Polish cybercriminal underground, who again will use different attack methods from those seen by a large multinational company, a small European bank, a hospital, domestic abuse victims, or members of civil society.


Packets famously don't 'do' borders, but the way human beings handle those packets can differ significantly. Tools, products and good advice can often be applied to many different situations, but to really understand the global nature of cybersecurity, we have to understand what issues people are facing, and how they are handling them, around the world. That is why we are proud to have such an international programme – and why we expect an even more international group of attendees.

Make sure you don't miss out: register before 1 July 2017 to receive a 10% Early Bird discount.

We look forward to seeing you in Madrid!




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