VB2016 preview: Debugging and Monitoring Malware Network Activities with Haka

Posted by   Martijn Grooten on   Sep 12, 2016

108x131-Benoit-Ancel.jpg108-Mehdi-Talbi.jpgAlthough some inventive (and often quite impractical) non-network-based ways to remotely control malware have been presented, most botnets use the normal Internet connection of the infected device to send information and receive commands. This inherent weakness in botnets' infrastructures makes command and control traffic a useful avenue for analysing botnet behaviour.

Haka is an open source security-oriented language that can help researchers with this task. At VB2016, Benoit Ancel and Mehdi Talbi, two researchers from Stormshield in France, will present a paper on Haka.

Apart from introducing the language, which looks surprisingly simple, they show how it can be used to analyse C&C traffic by way of two examples: China-Z, a DDoS botnet that uses its own protocol, and Athena, which communicates over HTTP. In the former case, they were able to show that the botnet's targets were mainly based in Asia.

Figure 16 – China-Z – Kibana dashboard.png

VB2016 takes place 5-7 October in Denver, Colorado. The programme features more than 50 talks on a wide range of security topics. Registration will remain open until the start of the event!VB2016-dates-web.jpg



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