VB2016: Important Information About the Hotel

Posted by   Martijn Grooten on   Sep 6, 2016

We are delighted that many people have already registered for VB2016, and registration for VB2016 will remain open right up until the start of the conference. However, the large number of registrations does mean that, for the moment, the conference hotel is fully booked for accommodation (sold out) on Friday 7 October.

Of course, the conference finishes on Friday afternoon, and if you are planning to leave Denver on Friday, there's no need to worry, there are still rooms available for the previous nights – although you would be well advised to book sooner rather than later, if only because the conference rate of $219/night (excluding taxes) cannot be guaranteed after 12 September 2016.

However, many people will want to stay a little longer, whether to hang out with friends and colleagues, to visit Denver, or maybe because they want to attend BSides Denver, which takes place on Saturday.

If you wish to stay in Denver on the Friday night, there are two options:

You can indicate that you would like to be put on a wait list at the Hyatt Regency: please visit the hotel booking site, make your reservation for departure 10/7/16 and add "STAY" in the reservations request field.

Alternatively, you may wish to make a reservation at a different hotel. The following is a list of hotels in the local area (please note that these are not recommendations as the VB team have not visited any of these venues and thus cannot pass comment on their suitability):

We will shortly be announcing the final additions to the conference programme - nine last-minute papers and two keynote addresses, so watch this space! 

We look forward to seeing you at VB2016.




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