Posted by Helen Martin on Sep 22, 2016
In just under two weeks' time, Christine Whalley, Director of Information Security at Pfizer, will deliver the opening keynote address at VB2016 in Denver.
Christine is no stranger to VB though, and looking back through the archives we spotted an article she wrote in 1999, in which she performed a corporate case study to attempt to address the question: Is it really the strangers that bring or send the viruses and other suspicious things into your organization or is it your trusted employees, co-workers, and professional acquaintances?
In the article, Christine described how one large organization – with over 40,000 systems in its decentralized computing environment and a diverse population of over 20,000 employees spread over various departments and networks – decided to find out how and where the viruses within it were being obtained so its administrators could do more to protect their environment.
The case study can be read here in HTML-format, or downloaded here as a PDF.
VB2016 takes place at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Denver 5-7 October. Why not register and come along to hear not only Christine Whalley's keynote address, but more than 50 other presentations on hot security topics as well.