A look at the VB2016 sponsors

Posted by   Martijn Grooten on   Sep 5, 2016

Today, we are exactly one month away from the start of VB2016, the 26th Virus Bulletin International Conference, which is to take place 5-7 October in Denver, Colorado. We thought this was a good moment to highlight the sponsors of the conference.

We are excited to be sponsored by such a broad range of companies that not only operate in different areas of cybersecurity, but sometimes even provide different solutions to the same problem.


Platinum sponsors:

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As Platinum sponsors, we are delighted to welcome ESET, Microsoft and E8 Security.

As part of their Platinum sponsorship package, each of these companies will have the opportunity to deliver a presentation, the details of which will soon be added to the programme. The VB sponsor presentations rarely prove to be marketing driven and can be as technical, and as enticing, as the talks on the regular programme.


Gold sponsors:

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The companies supporting VB2016 at Gold sponsorship level are: AVG, Tencent, PC Matic, and local company Webroot.


Silver sponsors:

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As Silver sponsors, we are pleased to welcome OPSWAT, Qihoo 360, Cylance and Palo Alto Networks.

Cylance is also the sponsor of the VB2016 drinks reception on Wednesday evening, while Secudit will sponsor the delegate Internet service.

Finally, VB2016 is also supported by AV Comparatives, SE Labs and ISCA Labs.

This week, the conference committee is busy making the selections for the nine remaining 'last-minute' papers, the details of which will be added to the programme by the end of this week.

Registration for VB2016 is still open. We look forward to seeing you in Denver!




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