BSides Denver: Join and Support the Security Community

Posted by   Martijn Grooten on   Sep 13, 2016

I sometimes catch myself talking about "the security industry" and then quickly correct myself to say "the security community". For, despite the presence of big businesses and lots of money, there remains a strong community feeling in the world of security. This is certainly true for the VB conference, which despite having grown over the years, has retained its friendly and informal atmosphere.

And it is definitely also true of the BSides community events, which have sprung up all over the world in the past five years. I have been lucky enough to attend several of them and I am extremely excited that VB2016 is immediately followed by BSides Denver.


If you are staying in Denver on Saturday, there is no good reason not to attend BSides and listen to interesting talks (the programme has just been announced), take part in the CTF competition or have a go at lock-picking. Make sure you register quickly though, as places are limited.

Bsides Denver is also looking for volunteers and sponsors. Why not support the Denver security and hacking community and show how much you care about people who may well be your future customers or employees? Find more information in the prospectus (pdf) on the BSides website.



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