VB2016 paper: Mobile applications: a backdoor into the Internet of Things?

Posted by   Martijn Grooten on   Nov 29, 2016

The meteoric rise of the Mirai botnet in recent months has led to the Internet of Things (IoT) becoming a major and actual security concern. To assess the effective security status of the so-called smart devices that make up the IoT, security researchers need to reverse engineer them – something that often isn't trivial thanks to poor documentation and the use of proprietary operating systems.

In the paper 'Mobile Applications: a Backdoor into Internet of Things?', which was presented at VB2016, Fortinet researcher Axelle Aprville discussed a novel way of analysing smart devices: by looking at the accompanying mobile app.

Today, we publish Axelle's paper (here in HTML format and here in PDF format). We have also uploaded the video of her presentation, which included a number of live demos, to our YouTube channel.




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