BSides Denver to take place the day after VB2016

Posted by   Martijn Grooten on   Jun 28, 2016

VB2016, the 26th International Virus Bulletin conference, is an excellent reason to visit Denver, Colorado in the first week of October this year. Of course, we are biased, but a look at the packed programme will hopefully convince you too.

There is another reason to come to Denver this October though: BSides Denver will take place the day after VB2016 ends, on Saturday 8 October 2016.

The BSides concept, described as "a community-driven framework for building events for and by information security community members", has led to hundreds of security events on all six contents, organised either as stand-alone events or in the shadow of larger security conferences. I have been honoured to attend (and speak at) a number of them, and can attest to them being great fun and providing ample opportunities to learn new things, meet new people and present your own research.

We are thus very excited that the people behind BSides Denver decided to host the 5th edition of their event the day after VB2016 ends. There will be talks and panels, a CTF competition and a lockpick village, and the event is free - all you have to do is register for the event and stay in the Mile High City for an extra day.

BSides Denver

Registration for BSides hasn't opened yet, but the Call for Papers has, so here is an extra opportunity to present your research in Denver in October. (Note that there will also be a call for last-minute papers for VB2016, which will open in late July and close around four weeks before the start of the conference.)

There is no official link between VB and the BSides Denver organisers, so please direct all your questions regarding the event to them, but we do hope that many VB2016 delegates will stay for BSides. In our opinion, you won't regret it!

Note: don't forget to register for VB2016 by Thursday 30 June to qualify for a 10% Early Bird discount.



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