Virus Bulletin's job site for recruiters and job seekers

Posted by   Martijn Grooten on   May 26, 2016

Security is doing well. Not necessarily the security of your personal devices, corporate networks and critical infrastructure, but as an area to work in, IT security seems to be a pretty good choice right now. Indeed, according to some experts there will be one million job vacancies in IT security this year.


To help organizations find the right people to help secure their networks, or improve the products and services they deliver, Virus Bulletin has relaunched its jobs pages, where anyone can post a vacancy for a security job.

Whether you are looking for an intern for a short research project or a Chief Security Officer for your enterprise, by posting the vacancy (free of charge) at Virus Bulletin, you will ensure the vacancy will be read by those who are actively looking for a security job. Current vacancies are listed on the 'Opportunities' section of our job pages.

But that's only part of the story.


Despite the fact that there are many vacancies, finding a suitable job in security isn't always as trivial as it may seem. Every security professional is different and so is every security job. Many experts have such an impressive combination of skills and experience that some companies would create a job just for them.

That is why we have also created a 'Candidates' section where job seekers can advertise themselves. Simply create a profile on our extranet site (again, free of charge), add your job seeker's profile and your skills, and let recruiters and HR managers find you.

Of course, you may not want to tell the whole world (including your current employer) that you're looking for a job, which is why you can be as anonymous as you'd like. After all, you work in security. You know how to set up an anonymous email account.

To either add a job vacancy to the 'Opportunities' section or set up a job seeker's profile in the 'Candidates' section, simply register on our extranet site and use the 'Job Poster'/'Job Seeker' menus. What are you waiting for?




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