Virus Bulletin announces student tickets for VB2015

Posted by   Virus Bulletin on   May 15, 2015

87% discount for students and the option to give a lightning talk.

A few weeks ago, we opened registration for VB2015, which will take place in Prague from 30 September to 2 October.

Today, we are pleased to announce a generous offer for students: those in full-time education can attend the 25th Virus Bulletin Conference for just $250 (+21% Czech VAT). That's a discount of almost 87%!

Attending the Virus Bulletin conference is an excellent way to learn about the threats that matter from the experts that have researched them. With talks on highly targeted APT campaigns, large-volume botnets, tools that make researchers' lives easier and many other subjects, the programme is filled with excellent papers.

The conference is as much about learning as it is about sharing, and we are offering students the opportunity to share the research they have performed in five-minute 'lightning talks'. These talks will take place on Friday morning in a third stream of 'Small Talks'. (Look out for an announcement about what other exciting things are taking place in this stream soon!)

Of course, it is no secret that the industry is desperate to hire talented security experts. These lightning talks thus provide a great opportunity for students to showcase their talents and for other delegates to spot the potential researchers they might be looking for.

If you are a student in full-time education and would like to attend the conference at the special student rate, please send us an email with a little information about yourself to [email protected]. Please also let us know if you are interested in giving a lightning talk.

Be quick, as both the number of student tickets and number of lightning talk slots are limited and will be allocated on a first come, first served basis!

VB2015 Prague, 30 Sept - 2 Oct 2015

Posted on 15 May 2015 by Martijn Grooten



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