Ross Anderson awarded BCS Lovelace Medal

Posted by   Virus Bulletin on   Apr 17, 2015

Cambridge professor to deliver VB2015 keynote.

Yesterday, the British Computer Society (BCS) announced that the 2015 Lovelace Medal has been awarded to Prof. Ross Anderson.

Named after and in honour of Ada Lovelace (1815-1852), who is often credited as being the first computer programmer, the Lovelace Medal is awarded to "individuals who have made an outstanding contribution to the understanding or advancement of computing". Previous winners include Linux creator Linus Torvalds and World Wide Web inventor Tim Berners-Lee.

Ross Anderson is Professor of Security Engineering at Cambridge University. He is expert in many fields, from quantum computing, to hardware, to security economics. His book Security Engineering is a must-read for anyone interested in security.

We are honoured that, in September, Ross Anderson will deliver the opening keynote address at VB2015 in Prague.

Registration for VB2015 will open this month. The full programme can be viewed here, with a number of added extras also to be announced in coming weeks.

Posted on 17 April 2015 by Martijn Grooten



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