Registration for VB2015 has opened

Posted by   Virus Bulletin on   Apr 22, 2015

Early bird discounts available for registrations made before 30 June.

Today, we have opened registration for VB2015, the 25th Virus Bulletin International Conference.

'VB' is one of the oldest security conferences in the world, and one of the very few that travels around the globe. After a very successful event in Seattle in 2014, we will be back in Europe this year as the capital of the Czech Republic, Prague, plays host to the 25th Virus Bulletin Conference.

We will be making some exciting announcements about additions to the conference in the upcoming weeks — watch this space! — but the programme already looks exciting. From various sessions on the Internet of Things to a day filled with talks on APTs, and from a talk on the ethics of 'hacking back' to tools that help the analysis of malware: VB2015 is very much about security that matters.

Should you wish to save a bit on your conference ticket, we urge you to register soon: a 10% early bird discount is available for anyone who registers prior to 30 June 2015. Moreover, for bona fide educational institutions and charities half price tickets are available (please contact us for details).

We also have some press passes available for journalists wanting to attend. Please contact us if you want to apply for a press pass.

Click here to register — and don't forget to book your hotel accommodation too; the conference venue is offering rooms booked before 29 July 2015 at the discounted rate of €99 per night.

Posted on 22 April 2015 by Martijn Grooten



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