VB2015 offer for new security companies

Posted by   Virus Bulletin on   Apr 23, 2015

Write an article for the Bulletin, get a half-price ticket for the conference.

Things are going well for the security industry. That may, of course, be because of the poor state of the security of the Internet, but it does mean that new security firms are continuing to appear all over the world.

The products and services these firms sell, and the research they share with the community, help make the world a safer place.

At Virus Bulletin, we aim to encourage the sharing of knowledge. Indeed, in the spirit of learning and the sharing of knowledge, we always hope that new security companies will send their researchers to security conferences, such as our own VB2015 (have you seen the fantastic programme?).

In a bid to encourage new companies both to send their researchers to the VB conference and to share their research with the rest of the community, we are making a limited offer: researchers from 'new' security companies (which we define as those that have never sent a representative to a VB conference) can get a half-price ticket to VB2015 if they also write an article (which we deem worthy of publication) for the Bulletin.

The Bulletin (previously Virus Bulletin Magazine) has been running since 1989 and, as of last year, it has been completely free to read — its archives are a treasure trove of fascinating and informative articles.

Should you be interested in taking up this offer, please send an email to [email protected] and let us know what you intend to write about. It will be at VB's discretion to decide what constitutes a new company, and whether your proposed article is suitable for publication.

Posted on 23 April 2015 by Martijn Grooten


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