Virus Bulletin announces two VB2015 keynotes

Posted by   Virus Bulletin on   Apr 2, 2015

Ross Anderson and Costin Raiu to deliver keynote addresses at 25th Virus Bulletin conference.

Two days after we published the programme for VB2015, we are excited to announce that both Ross Anderson and Costin Raiu will deliver keynote addresses at the conference.

Ross Anderson, Professor of Security Engineering at the University of Cambridge, is an expert on a wide range of security topics, from cryptography to security economics. He leads a very active research group and was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society in 2009. His book Security Engineering is one of the best and certainly the broadest books on security and is available online for free.

Costin Raiu is the Director of Kaspersky Lab's Global Research & Analysis Team (GReAT). Once of the world's best malware researchers, he joined the Virus Bulletin advisory board at the age of 22 and has regularly spoken at VB conferences. In recent years, he has been heavily involved in the analysis of a number of high-level malware attacks, including Stuxnet, Duqu, Red October, Flame and Equation.

  Prof. Ross Anderson and Costin Raiu.

Recent VB keynote speakers have included Nick Bilogorskiy, Mikko Hyppönen and Bob Burls, Chris Soghoian, Andrew Lee and Katie Moussouris. This year's Virus Bulletin Conference - the 25th - will be the first to have two keynote addresses.

Ross's keynote will take place at the start of the conference, straight after the opening address. Costin will speak at the end of the conference on Friday afternoon, fittingly closing a day on which there are a number of talks on APTs.

Registration for VB2015 will open this month.

The full programme can be viewed here. A number of added extras will also be announced in coming weeks.

Posted on 02 April 2015 by Martijn Grooten



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