Virus Bulletin seeks hackers, network researchers for VB2015

Posted by   Virus Bulletin on   Mar 6, 2015

One week left to submit an abstract for the 25th Virus Bulletin conference.

A few weeks ago, I made a short visit to the Clarion Congress Hotel in Prague, where VB2015 will take place this September/October. Seeing the hotel has made me even more excited about the conference and the various 'enhancements' we plan to make to the program. More on these soon.

What also contributes to my excitement is seeing many abstracts coming in, in response to the call for papers.

As of today, you have exactly one week left to submit an abstract. As in previous years, we're well on our way to receiving many more submissions than the around 50 places on the programme we'll have to fill, so it wouldn't hurt to read the FAQs we published on the call for papers, to increase the chances of your paper being selected.

Like last year, we are seeking submissions from the whole security spectrum. If you think the Virus Bulletin conference is only about malware, do check last year's programme — or look at the list of suggested topics for VB2015.

In particular, we are looking for submissions on hacking & vulnerabilities and on network security. Last year, for instance, CloudFlare's Nick Sullivan presented a paper on DNSSEC, while OpenDNS researcher Dhia Mahjoub described how the topology of the AS graph could be used to detect hotspots of maliciousness on the Internet.

On the subject of hacking, Kaspersky researcher David Jacoby presented a fascinating last-minute paper on hacking his own house, while Bromium researcher Vadim Kotov explained the many possibilities that purchasing ads on legitimate sites offer for spreading malware - indeed, his paper predicted the rise in such attacks in recent months.

You can find the abstract submission form here. And don't worry if you're based in Hawaii: we'll keep the call for papers open as long as it's Friday somewhere on the planet!

Posted on 06 March 2015 by Martijn Grooten


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