Conference report: VB2014

Posted by   Virus Bulletin on   Nov 28, 2014

The biggest and broadest ranging Virus Bulletin conference ever was a great success.

There is a Dutch expression that says that you shouldn't trust a butcher who judges his own meat. Perhaps then, when the Virus Bulletin Editor says that the Virus Bulletin conference was really good, you should take these words with a pinch of salt.

But it was really good.

As one of the oldest security conferences in the world, Virus Bulletin has earned a solid reputation in the industry, and it was thanks to this reputation - and an exciting programme of events - that we saw a record number of delegates descend on Seattle for the 24th edition of the conference. While pessimists might suggest that the record attendance figures are simply an indication of how many things still need to be fixed in the world of security, realists will point out that it also shows that the content is more relevant than ever.

Today, we published a round-up of the main highlights of the event, complete with photographs. You can read the report here in HTML-format, or download it here as a PDF.

Posted on 28 November 2014 by Martijn Grooten




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