VB2014: Slides day one

Posted by   Virus Bulletin on   Sep 24, 2014

Almost £1,300 donated to WWF!

The inaugural Virus Bulletin conference was held in 1991, making it one of the oldest security conferences in the world. It is also one of very few conferences that travels around the world.

This year, the conference is taking place in Seattle, WA, USA and this morning, more than 400 people gathered to enjoy Katie Moussouris's exciting interactive keynote address.

This is a record attendance for the VB conference, and while pessimists will link this to the sad state of security, optimists will point out the fact that this shows even better co-operation among security professionals. Of course, we like to think the excellent programme was a contributing factor too.

After the keynote address, attendees enjoyed 15 presentations of great quality - many of said attendees can now be found in the hotel bar, loudly proclaiming how much they agreed or disagreed with the speakers.

A number of today's speakers have made their presentation slides available to the attendees, as well as to those eager to find out what they missed; we expect to add more in the coming days:

With eight full-time employees, the VB staff is also larger than it has ever been. As a consequence, this is one of the rare occasions on which we haven't needed to ask for the help of local university students to act as additional crew members.

While we are pleased to have grown as a company, we are also grateful to the many students who have helped us in the past. Several of them have actually ended up working in the security industry and one of them, ESET's Pierre-Marc Bureau, was in fact a speaker today.

As during previous years, we asked those attending if they really wanted a paper copy of the conference proceedings, or if they were happy with the CD version. We made a donation to the WWF (World Wide Fund for Nature) for each person who chose not to receive a paper copy.

We are pleased to say that this year the donation has reached £1,290 (more than $2,100)!


We hope you enjoy the rest of the conference or, if you aren't attending, that you realise what you are missing and will come to one of our future events. For those on-site, we will see you all at the drinks reception tonight, and again in the morning for another day of thought-provoking talks!

Posted on 24 September 2014 by Martijn Grooten



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