Virus Bulletin seeks security researchers

Posted by   Virus Bulletin on   Jun 17, 2014

Would you like to publish your research through Virus Bulletin - or perhaps even work for us?

As of 1 July, all Virus Bulletin content will be freely available to everyone. This should be of interest for more reasons than simply saving the annual subscription fee.

I recently spoke to a long-time Virus Bulletin reader who had yet to read the most recent issues, and had thus missed the important announcement we recently made. For him, and for everyone else, we will mention it again: as of 1 July 2014, all Virus Bulletin content will become free of charge. You will not even need to be a registered user of the website to access any past or future content.

We are very excited about these changes, and hope you are too - and that you will find a good use for your saved annual subscription fee. (You could, for instance, put it towards your registration fee for VB2014, or use it to buy a good book.)

But that's not the only reason to look forward to the changes. Virus Bulletin will continue to publish regular technical (and sometimes slightly less technical) articles on a wide range of topics within IT security, in both HTML and PDF format.

Publish your research

Perhaps you have performed some research you'd like to share with the security community. By publishing it through Virus Bulletin, you ensure that the published article is of high quality and that the research is read by a wide audience. We will continue to edit the articles and, where necessary, provide technical feedback to authors, making the sharing of the content as smooth a process as possible and the published articles as high-quality as possible. Not only will this help the security community as a whole, it could also help raise the profile of the authors and increase awareness of work being done.

If you're interested in contributing to Virus Bulletin, please don't hesitate to email me: [email protected].

Work for us

If, on the other hand, you're still taking your early steps in the world of IT security, you might be interested in the vacancy for a Security Test Engineer at Virus Bulletin. Are you excited about security and interested in joining our small but growing team in the UK? If you are (and you are fully authorised to work in the UK), why not get in touch?

As always, we look forward to receiving your feedback, suggestions, contributions and job applications!

Posted on 18 June 2014 by Martijn Grooten



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