VB2014 programme and keynote announced

Posted by   Virus Bulletin on   Apr 9, 2014

Exciting range of topics to be covered at VB conference in Seattle this September; Katie Moussouris to deliver keynote address.

Altogether, almost 150 proposals were submitted for this year's VB Conference, and it was no easy task for the selection committee to whittle down the choices - indeed, there were many very decent papers that did not make the final cut simply because the quality of submissions was so high.

The VB2014 programme includes 41 papers on a wide range of security topics. As in previous years, the presentations will run in two parallel streams, but whereas these were previously labelled as 'technical' and 'corporate', this year, presentations have instead been grouped by theme.

Broad range of relevant topics

Anyone looking at the programme will see that our call for submissions covering a slightly broader range of security topics than that traditionally covered at VB has resulted in a programme that is more comprehensive than in previous years.

The world of IT security has become increasingly complex and those working in anti-malware will benefit from the knowledge and skills of those working in other security fields, and vice versa.

Just a small selection of the many highlights includes:

The full programme, including abstracts for each paper, can be viewed here.

A little closer to the conference (in mid to late August), a call for 'last-minute' papers will be issued - with the aim of these sessions being to present emerging material that is as up-to-the-minute as possible at the time of the event.


We are also thrilled to announce that security researcher Katie Moussouris has agreed to give the keynote address. Katie, who describes herself as the "mother of Microsoft [bug] bounty programs", deals with vulnerabilities and vulnerability disclosure on a daily basis. No doubt her insights will be very interesting for the VB audience.

Read more about why you should attend VB2014 - and download our letter templates as a guide for justifying to your budget holder why you should attend VB2014.

VB2014 takes place 24-26 September 2014 in Seattle, WA, USA - online registration is now open - we'd love to see you there!

Posted on 09 April 2014 by Martijn Grooten



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