Industry suffers loss of great researcher

Posted by   Virus Bulletin on   Nov 13, 2013

Untimely death of Peter Ször sends shockwaves across anti-malware community.

We were shocked and saddened to learn, yesterday, of the sudden and unexpected death of security researcher and VB advisory board member Peter Ször.

Peter was a true pioneer of the anti-malware industry and one of its brightest minds. His knowledge and enthusiasm knew no bounds and were an inspiration to many. He managed to combine his brilliance with a kindness and humility that made him one of the nicest people you could hope to meet.

Peter's most well-known achievement was his book The Art of Computer Virus Research and Defense - regarded as the definitive guide to virus defence and analysis. He spoke on many occasions at VB conferences over the years and served for more than ten years on the VB advisory board, always eager to help where he could and provide advice and support. He will be very greatly missed by many.

We offer our sincere condolences to Peter's family and friends - he will be remembered with great fondness and respect.

Posted on 13 November 2013 by Helen Martin


peter szor vb


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