VB2013 speaker spotlight

Posted by   Virus Bulletin on   Aug 9, 2013

We speak to VB2013 presenters Ilya Rabinovich and Randy Abrams about their research, Windows 8 security, and what they aim to bring to VB2013.

The VB2013 conference takes place this autumn (2-4 October) in Berlin, with an exciting programme that covers many of today's most pertinent security-related topics.

Today, we speak to Ilya Rabinovich and Randy Abrams, who will speak at VB2013 about Windows 8 security.

Tell us a little bit about yourself - your job and your responsibilities.

Randy Abrams Randy: "I'm a Research Director at NSS Labs. I am responsible for reviewing the results of endpoint product tests and writing the analysis. I also represent NSS at AMTSO and provide input to refine and adapt methodologies to meet the changing challenges of dynamic testing.

"Having been a high power user of AV products at Microsoft, an employee of vendor company ESET, and now working for a test and analysis organization, I have a unique perspective based upon multiple views of the industry."

Ilya Rabinovich Ilya: "I'm a security specialist, bootstrap founder and low-level software developer."

Can you give us a brief outline of what you will be speaking about at VB2013?

Ilya Rabinovich Ilya: "We are going to present the pros and cons of non-signature protection with Windows 8, and how it could be complimented."

Randy Abrams Randy: "Every time that Microsoft releases a service pack or OS that improves security, the Pollyannas come out in force to say 'Ahhh great, now we don't need AV or other security'. Windows 8 has some excellent security improvements, but is it enough?"

Why is your presentation particularly relevant to the security community?

Randy Abrams Randy: "The security industry needs to effectively communicate why their products add value to what is already built into Windows 8. The consumer community needs to understand that there are a variety of approaches to security."

What can delegates learn from your presentation?

Ilya Rabinovich Ilya: "The strong and weak points of current Microsoft anti-malware protection, and the strong and weak points of complimentary technologies."

What other presentations are you looking forward to?

Randy Abrams Randy: "I'm really looking forward to 'Pen Testing With Live Malware'. Recently people have been endorsing me on LinkedIn for pen testing skills and I have never done any pen testing. It might be good to learn a little about it!"

How many VB conferences have you been to?

Randy Abrams Randy: "Hey, they said there would be no math! I've been to 15. VB2011 in Barcelona is the only one I have missed since I started attending in 1997."

What else are you looking forward to at VB2013?

Ilya Rabinovich Ilya: "I'm looking forward to learning and understanding more about the current situation in the anti-malware industry."

Randy Abrams Randy: "I'm looking forward to being in the company of so many awesome people I have been privileged to be friends and colleagues with over the years!"

Ilya Rabinovich and Randy Abrams will present 'Windows 8 SmartScreen application control - what more could you ask for?' at 09:30 on Thursday 3 October.

The full programme for VB2013, including abstracts for each paper, can be viewed here.

Read more about why you should attend VB2013 - and download our letter templates as a guide for justifying to your budget holder why you should attend VB2013.

VB2013 takes place 2-4 October 2013 in Berlin, Germany - online registration is now open - we'd love to see you there!

Posted on 9 August 2013 by Helen Martin



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