Happy Safer Internet Day

Posted by   Virus Bulletin on   Feb 5, 2013

10th annual awareness day focuses on rights and responsibilities.

Today (5th February) is Safer Internet Day 2013 across the world.

Safer Internet Day (SID) is organised by the European network of awareness centres Insafe every February to promote safer and more responsible use of online technology and mobile phones - particularly amongst children and young people - across the world. This year, the focus is on online rights and responsibilities, with the message 'connect with respect'.

Activities have been organized by the various Safer Internet Centres, SID Committees and other supporters around the world, largely with a focus on schools and students, with some workshops also engaging parents, teachers and carers. Activities range from workshops and projects in schools and colleges, to Internet radio broadcasts, social media campaigns and collaborations with large firms.

In the UK, the 'Safer Internet Day Live' radio programme is being broadcast from 9am to 9pm (GMT) on the Internet and around the world. Listeners are encouraged to text, email, Skype, IM or phone in with questions to challenge a panel of experts.

The BBC reports on some of the activities involving UK schoolchildren on its 'School Report' website - including: a video report in which teens probe Twitter 'addiction', a teachers' guide to rules for using Twitter safely, and a teen guide to staying safe online.

Full details of the all the various events going on around the world can be found at the SID website here.

You can tune into the 'Safer Internet Day Live' radio broadcast here.

Posted on 05 February 2013 by Helen Martin



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