March issue of VB published

Posted by   Virus Bulletin on   Mar 1, 2012

The March issue of Virus Bulletin is now available for subscribers to download.

The March 2012 issue of Virus Bulletin is now available for subscribers to browse online or download in PDF or PRC (Kindle) format.

Some of the things this month's issue has in store are:

  • Not 'Mifeve'-ourite thing: MATLAB may not be the first platform that comes to mind when talking about viruses, but with its vast collection of mathematical functions it lends itself to all kinds of problem-solving mischief. Peter Ferrie details the MLS/Mifeve virus.
  • DroidDream mobile malware: DroidDream is a fully fledged mobile bot once a mobile device is rooted, with the ability to install applications of choice, navigate to websites, add bookmarks to the browser, manipulate text and voice messages, and communicate with a remote command and control server. John Foremost takes a closer look.
  • What is DMARC and should you care?: In early February, a new security project known as DMARC (Domain-Based Message Authentication, Reporting and Conformance) hit the headlines. The project involves some of the best known companies on the Internet and attempts to reduce email-based abuse by solving a couple of long-standing issues related to email authentication protocols. John Levine has all the details.
  • NCSC: public-private cooperation is key: The Dutch National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) was officially opened in January. Wout de Natris looks at how the Dutch government aims to achieve a safe, open and stable information society, with a focus on public-private cooperation.

Note: The March 2012 VBSpam comparative review will be published as standalone article later in the month. As with all new VB100 and VBSpam reviews, the report will be available for non-subscribers to purchase as a standalone item (Virus Bulletin subscribers will be notified by email when the comparative is available to download). Non-subscribers can purchase VB100 reports here and VBSpam reports here.

Subscribers click here to access the issue.

If you are not already a subscriber why not take the chance to subscribe now.

Posted on 2 March 2012 by Virus Bulletin



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