TrustPort lends support to UNICEF

Posted by   Virus Bulletin on   Nov 9, 2010

Season of giving comes early for Czech security firm.

Czech security firm TrustPort has made a financial donation to international children's charity UNICEF which will enable the charity to provide school kits to schools in developing countries. The donation will allow up to 240 children to access learning materials and give them the opportunity to receive a good basic education.

CEO of TrustPort Vladislav Nemec explained why he felt UNICEF's education programme was a particularly good fit with the company's ethos: "We see that education is essential in combating poverty and protecting children from exploitation... Schools provide children with protection, stability, and a return to normalcy. This model bears a striking resemblance to the protection in which TrustPort products are effectively able to secure computers. We are aware of current global needs; not only to protect computers from malicious software, but also to protect children."

More information about UNICEF and the charity's many ongoing projects can be found here.

Posted on 09 November 2010 by Virus Bulletin




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