Survey reveals apathy surrounding anti-malware protection

Posted by   Virus Bulletin on   Nov 18, 2010

Inconvenient subscription models preventing UK consumers from protecting their PCs adequately.

A survey conducted in the UK by security firm GFI Software has revealed that 40% of respondents would rather let their anti-malware software lapse at the end of the initial subscription period than pay to renew the subscription, while 15.3% said that they would probably let their subscription lapse due to the renewal process being too difficult or inconvenient.

35% of those surveyed could not recall when their existing anti-malware subscription was due to expire, while 20% said they had already decided not to renew their subscription when the current one expires.

The survey - commissioned by GFI as part of the company's marketing strategy for its GFI VIPRE Lifetime Edition - asked respondents whether they would be prepared to replace their existing anti-malware solution with one that offered lifetime coverage for a one-off fee (the model offered by the VIPRE Lifetime Edition) and 40% of users claimed that they would.

While this piece of research is obviously part of a vendor marketing ploy, it does call into question the value of the paid subscription model for consumers - and whether the industry should, in fact, be making it as effortless as possible for end-users to secure their machines and avoid compromise.

It has long been recognized that the user is the weakest link in the security chain. Learn practical ways to strengthen the weakest link in your organization at the VB Seminar 25 Nov, London.

The free VB Seminar takes place at the IET London, UK from 9am to 4pm on 25 November 2010. Secure your place by booking online now.

Posted on 18 November 2010 by Virus Bulletin



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