Site launched for anonymous sharing of information about security breaches

Posted by   Virus Bulletin on   Nov 11, 2010

Verizon aims to foster cooperation and provide more readily available information for risk management.

It is well known in the security industry that one of the biggest barriers to the investigation of attacks is the reticence of organizations to report incidents for fear of damage to their reputation - and this reluctance to file reports also makes it difficult to gather realistic information about security breaches.

Verizon hopes to help alleviate the problem with the introduction of its new VERIS community website, which is designed to collect information about security incidents from participating organizations around the world - crucially, with the organizations being able to submit the information anonymously.

Organizations and individuals can use an online application to upload detailed information about attacks and in return receive a mini 'data breach investigations report'. This provides analysis of the information submitted and a comparison of the incident with similar events that have been reported by participating organizations as well as those Verizon has stored in its database of incidents compiled over the last five years. The report will help participants understand whether their incident was a rare event or one commonly experienced by others and decide what, if anything, should be done to prevent similar attacks in the future.

The VERIS web page urges organizations to participate, stating: "Your participation will overcome the lack of data that hinders us all. You will be assisting our industry over the long term by fostering cooperation and providing the entire community with more readily available and useful information for risk management."

Are your organization's systems secure? Take away invaluable advice and information on the latest threats, strategies and solutions for protecting your organization at the VB 'Securing Your Organization in the Age of Cybercrime' Seminar on 25 November in London.

The VB Seminar takes place at the IET London, UK from 9am to 4pm on 25 November 2010. Secure your place by booking online now. (Or download a PDF copy of the booking form and fax the completed form to +44 (0)1865 543153.)

Posted on 11 November 2010 by Virus Bulletin




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