Security fixes from Apple and Microsoft

Posted by   Virus Bulletin on   Nov 11, 2010

100 security fixes in latest OS X update; three MS security updates in this month's patch release.

The latest release of Mac operating system OS X (Mac OS X v10.6.5) contains over 100 security updates, including fixes for vulnerabilities in Apache, the Flash Player plug-in, Image Capture and MySQL.

A range of performance and stability improvements are also included in the new release, but with many Mac users still labouring under the illusion that the platform is immune to threats, the security updates will at least shore up some vulnerabilities. The full list of fixes can be found here.

Of course, this week also saw Microsoft issue a series of patches in its monthly Patch Tuesday release. Just three patches were released this month: the sole 'critical' release affects Microsoft Office versions 2007 and 2010, while the two other updates are both given the slightly lower rating of 'important' and feature updates for PowerPoint and Microsoft ForeFront Unified Access Gateway. The three advisories cover a total of 11 vulnerabilities.

A recent zero-day bug in Internet Explorer - which has already been used in targeted attacks - was not addressed in this round of security updates. It has not been confirmed whether the software giant will release an out-of-band patch to fix the vulnerability or whether it will have to wait until the December patch cycle.

Full details of this month's Microsoft patches are here.

Are your systems secure? Learn from and interact with security experts at the top of their field and take away invaluable advice and information on the latest threats, strategies and solutions for protecting your organization at the VB 'Securing Your Organization in the Age of Cybercrime' Seminar on 25 November in London.

The VB Seminar takes place at the IET London, UK from 9am to 4pm on 25 November 2010. Secure your place by booking online now. (Or download a PDF copy of the booking form and fax the completed form to +44 (0)1865 543153.)

Posted on 11 November 2010 by Virus Bulletin



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