Facebook targeted by Boonana

Posted by   Virus Bulletin on   Nov 4, 2010

Windows, Mac and Linux users affected by new social networking threat.

Another malware family has been discovered targeting popular social networking site Facebook. Boonana, which is written in Java, has cross-platform capability, infecting Windows, Mac and Linux users.

Boonana is sent as a video link to Facebook users but of course rather than seeing a video, by clicking on the link the user will actually download a malicious application and by clicking to allow this application to run the rest of the payload will be downloaded and executed on the computer.

Detailed descriptions of the threat can be found at ESET here and at Microsoft here.

Facebook has half a billion active users worldwide, of which 56% log into the site every day - making the site a prime target for attackers.

Sophos's Senior Technology Consultant Graham Cluley will present 'Web 2 woe: cybercrime on social networks' at the VB Seminar, 25 November, London, UK, covering how attacks against social networks have evolved, how social networking sites are trying to defend against exploitation, and what companies and people can do to better defend themselves.

The VB Seminar takes place at the IET London, UK from 9am to 4pm on 25 November 2010. Secure your place by booking online now. (Or download a PDF copy of the booking form and fax the completed form to +44 (0)1865 543153.)

Posted on 04 November 2010 by Virus Bulletin



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