UK funds allocated to cyber security

Posted by   Virus Bulletin on   Oct 15, 2010

New spending on cyber security despite other public cuts.

As the UK reels following the government's announcement of the biggest public spending cuts in decades, one of the few areas to be allocated additional funds is that of cyber security.

Prime Minister David Cameron has pledged to spend £650 million over the next four years on developing a national cyber security programme. He cited 'unconventional threats' as having made an increase in spending on cyber defences necessary. Earlier this week the director of the UK Government Communications Headquarters, GCHQ, warned that the UK is facing the very real threat of a cyber terrorist attack.

In a statement the Prime Minister said: 'Over the next four years, we will invest over £500m of new money in a national cyber security programme... This will significantly enhance our ability to detect and defend against cyber attacks, and fix shortfalls in the critical cyber infrastructure on which the whole country now depends.'

The government's plans also include the introduction of an education programme, both teaching cyber security skills and raising awareness among the general public to help encourage safe and secure online behaviour. This will sit alongside a training programme that will be set up to ensure that those tasked with tackling cybercrime have the necessary skills and knowledge to tackle it successfully.

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Posted on 20 October 2010 by Virus Bulletin



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