Anti-spam products do well in VB testing

Posted by   Virus Bulletin on   Nov 4, 2009

VB announces anti-spam certification results.

Virus Bulletin has announced that 12 products earned VBSpam awards in its latest round of comparative anti-spam testing.

A total of 14 products took part in the test, with two achieving the highest level Platinum certification, while nine earned Gold awards and one achieved Silver certification.

The Platinum awards were earned by Fortinet's FortiMail product and McAfee's Email and Web Security Appliance (for the second time). Gold awards were handed out to products from BitDefender, Kaspersky, M86, MessageStream, Microsoft, SPAMfighter, SpamTitan, Webroot and McAfee's Email Gateway, while the M+Guardian appliance from Messaging Architects achieved a silver-level award.

VB's Anti-spam Test Director Martijn Grooten said: "With another increase in the number of products tested this month, the benchmarks used for this test were again stricter than in previous tests. At least one product reported better numbers, but won a lower-level award than in the last test. With developers of all products constantly improving their solutions, the competition is hotter than ever. 12 products winning awards indicate that users have plenty of choice when buying an anti-spam solution."

The results of the November 2009 anti-spam comparative review can be seen here [registration required - free of charge]

The chart below summarizes the test results :

Posted on 04 November 2009 by Virus Bulletin



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