VB announces next VB100 test on Windows 7

Posted by   Virus Bulletin on   Oct 12, 2009

Deadline announced for first VB100 comparative on new operating system.

VB has issued a call for submissions for the next VB100 comparative, to be run next month on Microsoft's much-anticipated new version of Windows, Windows 7, with a deadline for submissions less than a week after the scheduled public release date for the new platform.

Testing will run throughout November, with the results due for publication in the December issue of Virus Bulletin. The deadline set for product submissions is October 28th, with test sets and test platforms to be frozen on October 24th - the latest WildList available from the WildList Organization on this date will be used for the test. Those products which prove capable of detecting the full contents of the WildList, both on access and on demand, without raising any false positives on a set of known-clean files, will be awarded VB100 certification.

An overview of the VB100 testing process can be found here, with more in-depth details of the testing procedures here. Submission is free of charge, and any software vendors interested in submitting a product for the test should contact John Hawes for further information. The schedule for future comparatives is here.

The results of the test will appear in the December issue of Virus Bulletin, available (from 1 December) to subscribers only - see here for details of how to subscribe.

Posted on 12 October 2009 by Virus Bulletin



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