May issue of VB published

Posted by   Virus Bulletin on   May 1, 2009

The May issue of Virus Bulletin is now available for subscribers to download.

The May 2009 issue of Virus Bulletin is now available for subscribers to browse online or download in PDF format.

Some of the things this month's issue has in store are:

  • Anti-spam comparative review & certification: After months of consideration, internal and external discussion, trials and retrials, the results of VB's first live anti-spam comparative review are in. Martijn Grooten has the details.
  • One man's spam: 'The most troublesome category of messages - that requires the most thought - are those that occupy the awkward grey area between ham and spam.' Helen Martin, Virus Bulletin
  • Anti-unpacker tricks - part six: New anti-unpacking tricks continue to be developed as the older ones are constantly being defeated. In this series of articles Peter Ferrie describes some tricks that might become common in the future, along with some countermeasures. This month's article concentrates on anti-debugging tricks that target plug-ins for the popular OllyDbg debugger.
  • Case study: the TDSS rootkit: The TDSS modular downloader is known for its ability to bypass active protection, for its outstanding persistence and its rootkit functions. Alisa Shevchenko presents a detailed case study.
  • Product review: Comodo Internet Security: Comodo's Internet Security suite leaves an overall favourable impression on the VB test team.
  • Mail authentication with Domain Keys Identified Mail - part two: John Levine discusses the ways in which a DKIM-authenticated domain fits into a mail-handling system, and looks at related technologies that build on DKIM to help recognize good mail senders and deter phishing.

Subscribers click here to access the issue.

If you are not already a subscriber why not take the chance to subscribe now.

Posted on 01 May 2009 by Virus Bulletin



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