Latest AV-Comparatives results released

Posted by   Virus Bulletin on   May 28, 2009

Retrospective figures follow up February test.

Independent testing body AV-Comparatives have issued their latest set of retrospective test figures, completing the round of testing begun with the standard on-demand detection for which data was released in March.

Some 16 products were included in the test, which pitted them against new malware emerging in the weeks after the products were frozen, in early February. Pick of the batch were solutions from Microsoft, Kaspersky and Eset, all of which were awarded 'Advanced+' ratings based on balancing proactive detections and minimal false positives.

Other high performers included Avira, who led the detection table by some margin but were penalised for high levels of false positives; they were granted the 'Advanced' level rating, alongside BitDefender, G Data, McAfee, MicroWorld's eScan, Sophos, and Symantec. Picking up a one-star 'Standard' rating, for a reasonable level of detection coupled with not too many false alarms, are AVG, Alwil's avast!, F-Secure and Trustport. Other entrants are classed only as 'tested'.

The testers stress that this particular test only aims to measure on-demand detection rates and thus may not reflect the full capabilities of complete suites with dynamic detection techniques, which should be analysed in an upcoming dynamic test. Full details of the results, including procedures and breakdowns of sample types, can be found on the AV-Comparatives website here.

The group has also compiled a comprehensive overview of a selection of corporate offerings, analysing in-depth a wide range of angles including anti-spam, HIPS protection, and management facilities, with a focus on business environments. The full report, covering solutions and ranges from Avira, ESET, G Data, Kaspersky, Sophos, Symantec and Trustport, is freely available as a PDF download on the AV-Comparatives website.

Posted on 28 May 2009 by Virus Bulletin



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