VB2009 conference programme announced

Posted by   Virus Bulletin on   Apr 9, 2009

Schedule for Geneva security conference announced after record submissions.

Following a record number of submissions, the VB2009 conference committee is pleased to announce the programme for VB2009.

More than 160 proposals were assessed and scored by the VB2009 selection committee in order to whittle the papers down to the 38 on the programme.

Presentations cover subjects including: in-the-cloud protection technologies, anti-spam testing, automated analysis, rogue security software, web threats, JavaScript security, online fraud, legal issues and more.

Later in the year a selection of 'last-minute' technical papers will be added to the programme - these shorter presentations will be selected just three weeks prior to the start of the conference to allow for material that is truly up-to-the-minute.

VB2009 takes place 23-25 September 2009 in Geneva, Switzerland. Online registration is now open.

Posted on 15 April 2009 by Virus Bulletin



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