MS forms anti-Conficker alliance

Posted by   Virus Bulletin on   Feb 13, 2009

Industry group to combine efforts, reward offered.

Microsoft has announced a collaborative effort to combat the Conficker (aka Downadup) botnet, the widespread infection making headlines over the past few weeks. In addition, Microsoft is offering a reward for information leading to the arrest of the botnet's creators.

The partnership includes web management groups such as ICANN and the Public Internet Registry, major online players such as AOL and VeriSign, and security firms including Symantec, F-Secure and Arbor Networks. They will work together, sharing information and resources with the aim of disrupting the activities of the botnet and bringing it down.

Microsoft combined the announcement with news that a reward of $250,000 is being made available as an incentive for anyone with information on those behind the malware infection. The move revives an old programme of rewards, which was previously effective in tracking down the creator of the notorious Sasser worm.

Microsoft's announcement of both the partnership and the reward is here. More on the project is blogged by alliance members ShadowServer here and Symantec here, with news coverage of the reward offer at The Register here.

Posted on 13 February 2009 by Virus Bulletin



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