Digital attacks encroach on real world

Posted by   Virus Bulletin on   Feb 10, 2009

Car park flyers trick victims to malicious site.

The online arena of scams and phishing took a worrying step into the real world last week, as researchers heard of a scam starting in a US car park and leading to an online infectious website.

The flyers, placed on windscreens in a North Dakota parking lot, warned recipients that their vehicles were improperly parked and contained details of website they could visit to find out more about possible fines. The site, when visited, contained pictures of badly parked cars taken in the same town, but also dropped malicious objects including Browser Helper Objects onto the victims' machines.

Details of the attack can be found in a SANS post here, with more comment on blogs at McAfee here and Trend Micro here.

Posted on 10 February 2009 by Virus Bulletin



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