US ISPs urged to snoop on traffic

Posted by   Virus Bulletin on   Oct 22, 2008

NY Attorny General promotes deep packet inspection to AOL.

ISPs in the US are coming under increasing pressure to impose deep probing of all their customers' traffic, with the Attorney General of New York passing details of one system of deep packet inspection to major provider AOL.

While the government's intentions are to control and prevent the spread of child pornography, such proposals have come up against strong opposition on privacy grounds, especially so in this most recent case as the product in question was developed by a company formerly associated with spyware.

The product pushed by the NY representative was CopyRouter, develpoed by Australian firm Brilliant Digital Entertainment, who in the past produced intrusive adware software running on the Kazaa peer-to-peer system which many security products detected as malicious spyware. The case has echoes of the ongoing saga of UK telecoms giant BT, several other leading ISPs, and their plans to implement data snooping software Phorm.

A full analysis of the situation and the latest developments are in an MSNBC report here.

Posted on 22 October 2008 by Virus Bulletin



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